A bit of rain couldn't stop us from showing our pride over the weekend! We held a beautiful event for all ages with a clothing swap, craft activities and live music. Our special guest Vikae was warmly received and was so kind and encouraging to our young ones, enabling them to perform on stage too. It was great to see so many expressions of queer joy!
We have so many people to thank for bringing this together! Thanks to Lara, Wendy, Callie, Bee & Anna for supervising our craft area; to Waiorea Community Recycling Centre and Isaac at the Really Really Free Shop; to Jai for making so much candy floss for everyone; to Charles from Ecoballoons.co.nz for the gorgeous decorations; to Vikae and all our wonderful performers; to SPiCE for lending their wooden games, to Lucette for providing lovingly handmade pieces to give away; to Cliff for their technical support; and last but not least, thanks to Beau for their vision. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!
We are disappointed to hear about disruptions at other organised pride events over the weekend. The Hub is part of the Safe Space Alliance, providing an inclusive environment for our diverse membership and their guests. Violence and bigotry have no place here. If you need on-site support, please contact our coordinator team. A list of support services can be found at https://pride.org.nz/support/