Want to book a space?
Find everything you need to know here, including booking policy, booking rates and availability calendar.
Booking Policy
You must be a member to book a space.
At Gribblehirst Hub, we prioritize events that align with our core values: creativity, sustainability, support, and community. These events should engage both members and the public.
The Hub is open to members at all times, and we do not offer exclusive use of the entire space. However, events that reflect our community goals may be considered for Fridays and Saturdays, with Trust Board approval.
We're always eager to collaborate on anchor events that foster community and uphold our values—and volunteers are welcome to help host!
Event hosts may link their events to our Facebook page, and we can promote them in our monthly newsletter and on social media.
The Hub depends on memberships and koha (donations) to cover costs. For all events, please encourage your guests to contribute and consider joining as members.
Booking Rates
If you want to guarantee space for a group activity etc, it is best to book space.
Kitchen $10 per hour
Crafting Tables Area $7.50 per hour
Dining/Meeting Table $7.50 per hour
All Tables Area $15 per hour
All Tables Area & Kitchen $25 per hour
Ready to book?
Step 1 - Check our availability calendar
Step 2 - Fill out the booking form
Step 3 - Our coordinator will be in touch to confirm your booking.